Street Photography
Comments 24

Dungeon & Dragons

If a documentary photograph is to have any life in it, it’s very important that it exhibit certain characteristics. The photograph should, first of all, be about people. Nothing is more fascinating than the human face and the human condition.

– Bill Owens




  1. The photography is great, Jorge. It’s a wonderful quote as well. Hope you are well my friend.

    • Jorge Ledesma says

      Thanks Josh, likewise. I know you have a lot on your plate these days with the move back home and your new project but as always I really appreciate your work and look forward to the future.

  2. Thanks everyone, this gentlemen was surely quite a unique character. I have other frames as he perused the Dungeon & Dragons section of the Miami Downtown Book Fair which happens to end today.

    Thanks, Merci, Gracias, et al. to everyone for your words of support.

  3. You sure have that right, Jorge, about faces. This man’s face is a relief map of the very frontlines of life. Love the composition & processing as well. The other man’s preoccupation with books is perfect counterpart to the main subject.

  4. Un personaje verdaderamente interesante. Muy buen momento junto a la tienda de libros.
    Disfruta del fin de semana, Jorge !!

    Seen in my contacts’ photos. (?)

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