Month: May 2019

Copa del Rey Penya Barecelonista Doral

I belong to a futbol Penya that supports the FC Barcelona Futbol Club here in Miami. A bunch of fans get together at a local bar in Coral Gables and basically get rowdy. Of course, the favorite beer of the house is Estrella Damm and after three, four, five, or six here’s the result. Yup, Barca lost yet again. No Triplete, No Doblete, just “La Liga”. All images taken with the Fuji X-Pro 2 and XF 35mm F2 WR with a new tone curve I created with Fuji X RAW Studio and a slight split tone in LR for homogeneity. I must say its got me smitten all the way.  Relatedly, I have some thoughts of ownership between the Fuji XT2 and the X100F (yeah I know I’m late to party but who cares).