Month: November 2011

Cuban Eyes

I consider it essential that the photographer should do his own printing and enlarging. The final effect of the finished print depends so much on these operations. – Bill Brandt These days I no longer develop and print but instead I use Lightroom and Silver Efex Pro as my digital darkroom. I quite like it and see myself using it more and more. Although my friend, Josh White over at, has been dabbling lately with the Ricoh GR21 and GR1V and I must say I’m quite smitten by those rich tones. Anyway, let me walk you through this image. I noticed her as I approached the street corner to cross, I was on my way to get a haircut, and she just had the most wonderful eyes. I was immediately struck by her decisive walk and her stoic stance. I was standing literrally about 1.5 meters from her as I shot from the side, Daido style, as I’ve said before and this was my chosen frame which I believe capture her essence. Happy Thanksgiving …

Irie Man

Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don’t complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don’t bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live!”   – Bob Marley